
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I bought an e-reader, yet my library still expands....

The major problem with any new piece of technology is that it does not always translate completely from the older, "lesser," forms of technology. There are innumerable books out there that have been published. A very large portion of these have been made available in electronic form. Except for anything that I want to read.

Try to find Charlotte Kasl, Irvin Yalom, Tara Brach, and many other psychology-based authors in electronic format and you will be surprised. Maybe one or two books will be available, but still the rest must be ordered in the "old fashioned" way: bidding on used copies on Ebay. Okay, so you can still order them new or go to a book store, but who has the money for that? Me and my fellow wanna-be therapists (read: stuck in school forever for that elusive MSW) thrive on these books. I don't just read to help myself, but to have an amazing frame of references and suggestions when my future clients say, "How do I get through this? Am I the only one?" Hopefully I will be able to confidently direct them to some amazing book that will help them through, the way my therapist has given me list after list of books that have helped me through.

I fear that in however many years it takes me to get to that point that the next generation will ignore any suggestion not available on their e-reader, ipad, or phone. How many wonderful stories will be lost while technology forges ahead without ever being able to catch up to what is already out there!

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